How do we get Americans vaccinated against COVID-19?We designed and fielded nationally-representative surveys to ask Healthcare Workers and the American Public their perceptions, beliefs, and intentions around the COVID-19 vaccine. I used behavioral segmentation to break down the unvaccinated into actionable "personas"
Role: Lead Analyst
Programs: R, Tableau, Git Skills: Survey design, predictive models, ML variable selection, behavioral segmentation, causal machine learning |
What's driving social distancing behavior in the United States?In response to the COVID pandemic, we designed and fielded nationally-representative survey in March 2020 to ask the American Public about their social distancing behavior, barriers, and beliefs
Role: Lead Analyst Responsibilities:
Programs: R, Git Skills: Survey design, predictive models, ML variable selection, behavioral segmentation, causal machine learning |
In their own words: using Twitter to capture the psychological toll of COVID-19 on nursesIn order to get a pulse on how healthcare providers were coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, we pulled and analyzed over 600,000 tweets from nurses across America
Role: Lead Analyst
Programs: R, Twitter API, Tableau dashboard, Git Skills: Natural language processing, sentiment analysis, interactive dashboards, Twitter analysis |